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Sprouted Lentil Stew

28th Mar 2022

Warm up with this hearty Sprouted Lentil Stew! This classic recipe has long been a favorite with followers of The Blood Type Diet. (Type O secretors and both Type Bs can easily swap in a different right-for-your-type legume. Some suggestions are below.) This stew is perfect for a cozy family meal, or save the leftovers to make meal planning a breeze.

Sprouted beans, lentils and seeds have activated food enzymes that increase their nutrient content. They also cook faster and are easier to digest (meaning less bloating and gas), making them a great addition or substitute in your favorite recipes. Most natural food stores sell sprouted lentils, or you can sprout them yourself at home. We’ve got sprouting tips at the end of this blog. For even more nutrients, it’s easy—and tasty—to add a sprinkling of sprouts on top.

The Blood Type Diet made easy

Find more nourishing recipes like this in Dr. D’Adamo’s Eat Right 4 Your Type Personalized Cookbooks. Each book features chef-formulated recipes designed specifically for your blood type. Make meal planning stress free with delicious and easy-to-follow personalized recipes.

Check food values, get in-depth food analyses and access even more recipes for each blood type and secretor status with Dr. D’Adamo's TypeBase Food Values lookup tool. Coded by the doctor himself, it's a free resource that makes following The Blood Type Diet easy.

Our Official Blood Type Diet App keeps all the details you need at your fingertips. Check food values for you or common foods for the whole family, create a food shopping list you can email to yourself, get supplement recommendations and access categorized recipes.

Serves 4


  • 1 cup sprouted lentils or right-for-your-type beans*
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup diced onions
  • ¾ cup diced carrots
  • ¾ cup diced parsnips
  • 1 tbsp diced serrano chilies**
  • 2 zucchinis, diced
  • ½ tsp cumin
  • Optional: 1 (4-inch) piece kombu (this seaweed adds delicious umami flavor)
  • 5 cups vegetable stock
  • Sea salt, to taste
  • Optional: Right-for-your-type sprouts, to sprinkle on top ***

*Lentils are an Avoid for Type O secretors and Type B secretors and non-secretors. Substitute sprouted soybeans or another right-for-your-type legume.

**Chilies are an Avoid for Types A and AB. Omit.

***Good sprouts for sprinkling:

Type O: Mung bean sprouts, radish sprouts

Type A: Alfalfa sprouts, mung bean sprouts, radish sprouts

Type B and AB: Alfalfa sprouts

Are you cooking for multiple blood types? Check this list for common foods:

  • Sprouted lentils: Types O non-secretor, A and AB
  • Sprouted soybeans: Types O secretor, A, B and AB
  • Sprouted pinto beans: Types O non-secretor, A and AB
  • Sprouted radishes: Types O and A
  • Sprouted alfalfa: Types A, B and AB


  1. Soak sprouted lentils (or beans) in warm water for 25 minutes.
  2. While they soak, heat olive oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add onions, carrots, parsnips, chilies (if using), zucchini and cumin. Sauté 6 to 7 minutes.
  3. Drain lentils and add to the Dutch oven with the other veggies. Cook for 1 minute, then add kombu (if using) and salt.
  4. Add stock one cup at a time, stirring after each addition. Cook for a total of 30 to 35 minutes. Note: if the kombu does not expand and break into small pieces while cooking, remove it, chop and place it back into the stew.
  5. Ladle the stew into bowls. Sprinkle with the sprouts of your choice. Enjoy!

Sprouting at home, in 4 easy steps:

What do you need?

A quart-sized glass jar with a metal or plastic lid; lentils, beans or seeds; plenty of clean water; time.

What to sprout?

Lentils, soybeans and alfalfa are popular for sprouting. Look for raw, whole seeds that have not been chemically treated. Some are even labeled as “sproutable.” Avoid cracked, milled or toasted seeds.

1. Drill, pierce or punch the lid of a glass jar to make several small holes to drain water and let air in. You have a sprouter!

2. Fill a quarter of the jar with beans or seeds, cover with water and soak overnight or about 12 hours.

3. Drain the seeds through the lid and allow the damp seeds to rest for another 12 hours.

4. Rinse, drain and rest the seeds every 12 hours for 2 to 4 days until the sprouts are the length and flavor you like. A quarter-inch is about right for beans. You can taste the sprouts as they grow, but don’t eat the beans or lentils raw.

How to keep them?

Once your sprouts have grown, give them a last resting phase to air and dry and then transfer to an airtight container lined with either cloth or paper towels and refrigerate. Eat straight away or keep for up to a week. Although you can eat alfalfa sprouts and other shoots raw, sprouted legumes should always be cooked before eating.

Note: Sprouts can harbor bacteria but the risk is far less significant when done at home versus when purchasing at the store. So be sure to store your sprouts in the fridge with a paper towel to absorb moisture for up to one week.